This component describes the various stages of the material life-cycle and value chain, from raw material inputs to solid waste outputs, materials use in production and final consumption and the R strategies in place to keep the value of materials in the commercial cycle for as long as possible. It reflects key features and major outcomes of a CE, considering the circularity principle and the various CE mechanisms.
Related indicators show how materials enter, flow within and (eventually) leave the economy. They should lend themselves to being linked to reference values (benchmarks, thresholds, baselines, objectives, targets) and to environmental issues, including climate change, toxic contamination, biodiversity, natural resource management. As a rule, main indicators on the material life cycle should also lend themselves to being related to indicators on responses and actions and to indicators on opportunities to help linking responses to results obtained as a first step in monitoring the effectiveness of policies. They are to be complemented with information and indicators on the factors that drive demand for materials (population growth and structure, household size, economic growth and structure, income levels, final consumption expenditure) and on which policy levers can act.
Given the breadth of the topics to be covered, this building block is further structured around three themes:
The material basis and productivity of the economy, i.e. indicators on the level and characteristics of materials supply and their use in the economy or in industries, paying particular attention to material inputs, including domestic extraction and imports, material consumption, including domestic material consumption and raw material consumption (footprints), and material accumulation in the economy (stocks, addition to stocks), as well as indicators relating materials use to GDP, value-added or other socio-economic output variables through intensity or productivity ratios.
The management efficiency of materials and waste, and the circularity of material flows with reference to R strategies and CE mechanisms when possible. Examples include indicators on waste generation (by source, by type); recycling rates; circular use rates; shares of secondary raw materials in material inputs or consumption; renewable content of material used in production processes, products diverted from the waste stream (repaired, remanufactured, reused); materials leaving the economic cycle, i.e. waste going to final disposal.
Interactions with trade and globalisation (international dimension of a CE), i.e. indicators on exports and imports of materials, second-hand goods, end-of-life products and waste, the physical trade balance and the material intensity of trade.
Indicators under this component could also be grouped in line with the CE mechanisms (closing resource loops, slowing resource loops, narrowing resource flows).
Data availability permitting the selected indicators should be able to:
distinguish between primary and secondary raw materials;
distinguish between materials stemming from non-renewable natural assets (or technical materials) and materials stemming from renewable natural assets (or bio-based materials)1.
capture developments in materials that raise specific concerns as to:
their environmental significance, i.e. their significance with respect to natural resource management and waste and materials management issues, and to the environmental consequences of their production, use or end-of-life management. Examples include pollution from mismanaged products and materials, such as electric and electronic equipment and plastics.
their economic importance, i.e. their significance with respect to economic development, supply security, international trade. Examples include strategic raw materials such as certain metals and rare earths, food or energy carriers.
Material-specific indicators provide important information to assess progress in key supply chains.
Relevant indicators can be derived from sets of material flow and resource productivity indicators and from sets of environmental, green growth and sustainable development indicators, complemented with new and improved indicators that capture the circularity of material flows in the economy and in production and consumption processes. Underlying data can be derived from material flow analyses and accounts, waste statistics and accounts, product statistics and trade statistics. The availability of physical supply and use tables (PSUT) would be an advantage, as well as the availability of material-specific flow accounts.
When monitoring policies that promote the circularity and efficiency of water and energy use, related indicators can easily be added under this component.