Compensation received by employees differs significantly across economic sectors. In trade, transport and food and accommodation services, a sector where SMEs account for a significant share of the enterprise population and value added, the average compensation per employee is generally lower than the total economy average compensation. However, in information and communication services and, in particular, in finance and insurance activities, the average compensation received by an employee is on average 50% and 70% higher than the total economy average compensation.
Wage differentials across firms typically align with labour productivity differentials. Large firms in the manufacturing sector are on average more productive and tend to pay higher wages than SMEs. In Germany, for example, large firms paid a wage premium of over 50% of the wage of medium-size firms and over double the wage paid by smaller and micro enterprises. Large differentials are also observed in Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands, while they are significantly smaller in some other countries, such as in Czech Republic, Finland and Slovenia.