OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Japan 2020
Annex A. Progress since the 2014 DAC peer review recommendations
Towards a comprehensive Japan development effort
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should establish a prioritised agenda for ensuring domestic and foreign policy choices are informed by an assessment of development goals along with other goals. The planned revision of the ODA Charter could provide an opportunity to set this approach out clearly. |
Partially implemented |
Vision and policies for development co-operation
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should use the updating of its ODA Charter to emphasise its focus on meeting international development effectiveness commitments. |
Implemented |
Japan should make clearer the rationale for allocating aid across countries, channels and instruments. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should further develop guidance on how to meet poverty reduction objectives across its entire portfolio, including for its co-operation in middle income countries. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should ensure it has updated guidance and increased capacity to deliver on its policy objectives for gender equality and women’s empowerment. |
Implemented |
Aid volume and allocation
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should develop a roadmap to increase ODA to make progress towards meeting the 0.7% ODA/GNI target. |
Not implemented |
Japan should continue to increase the share of ODA allocated to countries where assistance is most needed, including LDCs, bearing in mind international commitments. |
Implemented |
Organisation and management
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should conduct a review of its organisational reforms, with a view to making further improvements to the overall organisation and management of its development co-operation, including reviewing levels of decentralisation and delegated authority. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should introduce medium-term workforce planning, for both MOFA and JICA. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should develop further its programme of learning and development for staff, including a focus on policy and operational priorities. |
Partially implemented |
Development co-operation delivery and partnerships
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should reverse the decline in the share of its aid that is untied. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should introduce more comprehensive risk management procedures as part of its corporate governance and management, including for anti-corruption and fraud. |
Implemented |
Japan should further engage with civil society in the countries where it works, based on a strategy and clear guidelines. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should introduce a more flexible approach to strategy and programming in fragile states. |
Implemented |
Results and accountability
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should continue efforts to introduce performance indicators and measures in its country and thematic policies and programmes. |
Partially implemented |
JICA should be more strategic in its evaluation coverage, based on criteria related to risk and knowledge management. |
Partially implemented |
Japan should develop and adequately fund a strategy for improving communications to enhance domestic development awareness and engagement. |
Implemented |
Japan should increase its efforts to implement the common transparency standard by publishing more timely, comprehensive and forward-looking information. |
Implemented |
Humanitarian assistance
Recommendations 2014 |
Progress |
Japan should actively share its approach to disaster risk reduction and disaster response with other donors. |
Implemented |
Japan should increase the predictability of its budget for humanitarian assistance to complex emergencies, and ensure that it has sufficiently flexible funding mechanisms for these rapidly evolving situations. |
Partially implemented |