OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Korea 2018
Annex A. Progress on implementing the 2012 DAC peer review recommendations
Strategic orientations
2012 recommendations |
Progress in implementation |
Korea should build on its solid legal and policy foundations by completing the strategic framework to guide its growing development co-operation. Specifically: |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Development beyond aid
2012 recommendations |
Progress in implementation |
Korea needs to give policy coherence for development sufficient weight in decision making by: |
Partially implemented |
Not implemented |
Not implemented |
Aid volumes, channels and allocations
2012 recommendations |
Progress in implementation |
Korea should sustain its recent increases in aid volumes to achieve its target of giving 0.25% of its gross national income (GNI) as ODA by 2015.1 At the same time, Korea should: |
Not implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Partially implemented |
1. Korea’s targets for aid volumes were revised downwards in 2016
Organisation and management
2012 recommendations |
Progress in implementation |
To implement its development co-operation strategy successfully, Korea should: |
Partially implemented |
Partially implemented |
Partially implemented |
Delivery and partnerships
Recommendations 2012 |
Progress in implementation |
In continuing to make its aid more effective, Korea should: |
Partially implemented |
Partially implemented |
To provide developing country partners and Korean taxpayers with even better value for money Korea should: |
Implemented1 |
Partially implemented |
Partially implemented2 |
1. Korea’s targets for untying aid were revised downwards in 2016
2. Korea does not report the tying status of its free-standing technical cooperation
Results management and accountability
2012 recommendations |
Progress in implementation |
PMO, MOFA and MOSF should continue to increase transparency and accountability by: |
Partially implemented |
Humanitarian assistance
Recommendations 2012 |
Progress in implementation |
To provide a clear strategic vision for the humanitarian programme; to ensure that humanitarian principles are consistently applied; and to promote accountability, efficiency and effectiveness Korea should: |
Partially implemented |
Partially implemented |
Implemented |
Partially implemented |