Slovenia has adopted a whole-of-government framework for regulatory policy, which is set out in a number of government resolutions and documents, such as the Resolution on Legislative Regulation and the Rules of Procedure of the Government. RIA and stakeholder engagement are compulsory and are almost always conducted in practice for primary laws in Slovenia. Stakeholder engagement is often done for a short period and RIA often includes only a qualitative assessment, although the situation has improved modestly. Slovenia could strengthen oversight of these regulatory policy tools to ensure that they are used effectively.
Slovenia was an early adopter of the Standard Cost Model (SCM), and has focused ex post evaluation efforts on reducing administrative burdens for businesses ever since. Now, Slovenia has consolidated regulatory reforms through the “Single document” to target particular irritants and has also initiated selected sectoral reforms.
The new Modular Environment for the Preparation of Electronic Documents (MOPED) is currently in the implementation phase. It will simplify the preparation of documents in the legislative process. Within MOPED, all stages of the legislative process will be standardised, forming an integrated legislative cycle. In addition, Slovenia introduced a Small and Medium Enterprise Test (SME Test) to help ministries estimate regulatory costs to businesses.