This report is the outcome of a collaboration among the countries and economies participating in TALIS and those participating in PISA, the OECD Secretariat, the European Commission and the TALIS and PISA international consortia.
The development of this report was guided by Andreas Schleicher, Yuri Belfali and Karine Tremblay (TALIS Project Manager). Noémie Le Donné led its development and production, with contributions from Gabor Fülöp and Emily Groves. Noémie Le Donné was the lead author of Chapters 1 and 3. Gabor Fülöp was the lead author of Chapter 2. He also authored Chapter 4, with contributions from Massimo Loi and Noémie Le Donné, as well as the annexes.
All statistical analyses were performed by Gabor Fülöp, with contributions from Massimo Loi. Maxence Castiello and Hélène Guillou provided support for statistical editing.
Emily Groves supported report preparation, production, project co‑ordination and communications. Cassandra Davis and Henri Pearson provided support for report production and communications. Clara Young was the main editor of the report, with contributions from Emily Groves and Henri Pearson.
The authors wish to thank Francesco Avvisati, Yuri Belfali, Pablo Fraser, Pauline Givord, Aakriti Kalra, Andreas Schleicher, Javier Suarez Alvarez and Karine Tremblay, as well as members of the TALIS Governing Board and the TALIS national project managers, in particular, those from the nine countries/economies participating in the TALIS‑PISA link option, who all provided valuable feedback and input at various stages of the data analysis and report production. The development of the report was steered by the TALIS Governing Board, chaired by João Costa (Portugal).