The Picoulet Centre collaborates with a variety of organisations operating in the neighbourhood to improve outreach. Several associations and social workers address their clients to Picoulet Centre, and the Réseau Eif-fel (a network built by the City of Paris, in partnership with three Parisian associations) facilitates the match between prospective learners and the Picolet Centre.
The activities of the Centre include:
French for professional purposes which helps participants develop or improve their work-related language skills, including how to value their skills, interact with colleagues and express themselves in a work environment. In addition to improving language skills, this training has also a digital component that contributes to further enhancing participants’ opportunities to find employment.
Digital training at different levels, including learning how to use a computer, searching for information, filling in forms, using Office and creating digital content. In addition, training provides practical tools for job search and to prepare for official digital certifications.
Work-related workshops, which include group sessions on how to prepare a CV and a cover letter, how to look for a job and prepare for a job interview and one-to-one coaching sessions. These workshops are run in collaboration with La cravate solidaire, a network of associations whose main objective is to fight against discrimination in the hiring process.
Theatre classes to help participants become more comfortable in communicating in French, improve their self-esteem and build motivation.
To respond to the multiple needs of participants, the Centre also provides additional support, including basic digital training, access to computers and internet, practical support to lone parents and their children and assistance with administrative procedures.
The Centre receives its funding from public and private donors. Slightly less than 50% of its funds are from the city. The other main funders are the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF; “Family Allowance Fund”), and the Direction Départementale de l'Action Sociale, de l'Enfance et de la Santé (DASES; “Departmental Direction for Social Action, Childhood and Health”). Additional funding of less than 10% is provided by private donors.