This report is a joint output by the OECD Environment Directorate (Research Collaborative on Tracking Finance for Climate Action), and Development Co-operation Directorate (Financing for Sustainable Development Division). It contributes to the respective work programmes of the Environment Policy Committee and the Development Assistance Committee. It was co-authored by Chiara Falduto, Wiebke Bartz-Zuccala, Michael Mullan, Emma Raiteri, and Jonas Richarz, under the guidance of Raphaël Jachnik and Jens Sedemund. Timothy Randall and Dan Preston (Indiana University) provided valuable contributions.
The authors would like to thank the following OECD colleagues who have provided comments on drafts of the report at various stages: Dominique Blaquier, Juan Casado-Asensio, Jane Ellis, Catherine Gamper, Tomas Hos, Katia Karousakis, Takayoshi Kato, Marijn Korndewal, Jolien Noels, Jieun Kim, Mikaela Rambali, and Simon Touboul.
The authors would also like to thank the members of the Informal Group of Experts, established to guide and provide feedback to this work, for their availability to engage, share experiences and provide insights on the topic of adaptation finance: Mahamat Abakar Assouyouti and Silvia Mancini (Adaptation Fund); Gareth Phillips (African Development Bank); Catherine Simonet (Agence Française de Développement); Arghya Sinha Roy (Asian Development Bank); Sasha Jattansingh (Climate Analytics Caribbean); Isabelle Laurent, Charles Smith and Philip Good (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development); Katherine Cooke (former Fiji National Climate Finance Advisor); Ayaka Fujiwara, Veronica Galmez Marquez and Rajev Mahajan (Green Climate Fund); Jennifer Doherty-Bigara Rodriguez and Sofia Viguri (Inter-American Development Bank); Mizan R. Khan (International Centre for Climate Change and Development); Megumi Moto (Japan International Cooperation Agency); Fredrick Mbima (government of Kenya); Jan Alber and Katrin Enting-Pauw (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau); Lea Kai (government of Lebanon); Aage Jørgensenand Isabel Leroux (Nordic Development Fund); Laurène Manzi (Rwanda Green Fund); David Bailey, Rebecca Clark, Ade Onitolo, Emma Robinson and Sara Sajjad (government of the United Kingdom); Jacqueline Musiitwa, Pallavi Sherikar and Ann Vaughan (government of the United States); and Markus Repnik (World Meteorological Organization). Susan Sachs edited the report.