1. Please specify the country in which your organisation operates:
Supporting Lives Free from Intimate Partner Violence
Annex B. 2022 OECD Consultation with Non-Governmental Service Providers serving GBV Victims/Survivors
2. Do you consider your organisation to be a:
1. Non-profit, non-governmental organisation/programme that directly delivers services
2. For-profit organisation that directly delivers services
3. Advocacy or lobby group that does not directly deliver services
4. Other:
3. How long has your organisation been in operation?
4. People who experience gender-based violence often require assistance with multiple services at the same time, such as housing, employment supports, medical care, and access to legal representation. The integration and/or co-location of services is important.
Would you classify your organisation as providing (if other, please specify):
1. Integrated services: Services offered directly by specialised providers from different sectors of expertise, where your organisation directly employs a multidisciplinary team to meet the cross-sectoral needs of people who experience GBV. Case-file sharing between providers is streamlined. These may be at the same location or at different locations.
2. Co‑located services: Services offered directly by specialised providers from different sectors of expertise, working together in a communal space all or some of the time, while remaining employed by their own respective agencies. Case-file sharing between providers is facilitated, but not necessarily streamlined.
3. A combination of integrated and co‑located services
4. A sole/primary service, though we have established partnerships with other local service providers and/or agencies with whom we co‑operate on a regular basis
5. None of the above, please specify:
Below is a list of services often accessed by people experiencing, or who have experienced, GBV. These can be services accessed in-person or virtually/by telephone.
Please select which services are provided: (a) directly by your staff; (b) directly by staff working through a co‑location arrangement; (c) directly via referral to established partners who visit your organisation to meet with clients; (d) provided directly via referral to an affiliated or unaffiliated provider located off-site; or (e) not available in your area.
Services Offered: |
Provided directly by your staff |
Provided directly by staff from other organisations, working at one site (a co-location arrangement) |
Provided directly via referral to established partners who visit your organisation to meet with clients |
Provided directly via referral to an affiliated or unaffiliated provider located off-site |
Not Available in the Area |
Don't Know |
Emergency Shelter |
Second-Stage Housing (incl. Transitional Shelter) |
Long-Term/Affordable Housing |
Transportation or Transport Vouchers |
General Helpline/Infoline (incl. text or online chat) |
24H Crisis Line (i.e.: hotline, text or online chat) |
Crisis Counselling |
Long-term Counselling |
In-Kind Support (e.g.: food; clothing; etc.) |
Economic/Income Support (e.g.: cash; gift cards; vouchers) |
Child/Youth/Teen Services or Programming (e.g., child care; youth counselling; after-school program; summer camp; etc.) |
Access to Physical or Mental health practitioners |
Substance Use/Addiction Counselling |
Survivor (peer) support groups |
Other Leisure or Alternative Therapy Programming (e.g.: craft circles; yoga; etc.) |
Job Training, Reskilling or Adult Education Programs |
Financial Skills or Budget Counselling |
Interpretation/translation services |
Perpetrator-specific rehabilitation and/or prevention programs |
Below is a list of additional support and advocacy services commonly offered to people who have experienced GBV.
Please select which services are provided: (a) directly by your staff; (b) directly by staff working through a co‑location arrangement; (c) directly via referral to established partners who visit your organisation to meet with clients; (d) provided directly via referral to an affiliated or unaffiliated provider located off-site; or (e) not available in your area.
Advocacy/Support Related to: |
Provided directly by your staff |
Provided directly by staff working through a co-location arrangement |
Provided directly via referral to established partners who visit your organisation to meet with clients |
provided directly via referral to an affiliated or unaffiliated provider located off-site |
Not Available in the Area |
Don't Know |
Residency status or other immigration or asylum-related matters |
Criminal legal matters (e.g., Procuring protective or restraining orders, arrest or court related support) |
Divorce or child custody related support |
Other civil legal matters |
Other legal counselling/advice, including legal aid |
Safe/Supervised Visitation |
Navigating child welfare, protective services |
Housing related support (e.g., landlord or housing authority) |
Benefit procurement (incl. immigration benefits, welfare, childcare subsidies, disability, etc.) |
Children’s school liaison |
Animal care or placement |
Support for LGBTQ2I+ populations (tailored programming, support groups, specialised healthcare services, etc.) |
Support for Indigenous populations (tailored resources, support groups, claims or benefits, etc.) |
Support for cis-gendered male survivor-victims of domestic violence |
6. From the above-mentioned services and advocacy supports, would you consider one of these to be your primary area of service delivery? If so, please indicate the primary focus or activity of your organisation in the space below:
7. The following questions assess how service delivery has changed as a result of the COVID‑19 outbreak:
Thinking about in-person assistance, please select the situation that best describes your organisation:
1. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted more people in-person than it did in 2018‑19
2. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted the same number of people in-person than it did in 2018‑19
3. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted fewer people in-person during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
Thinking about assistance over the phone, please select the situation that best describes your organisation:
1. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted more people over the phone during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
2. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted the same number of people over the phone during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
3. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted fewer people over the phone during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
Thinking about online assistance, please select the situation that best describes your organisation:
1. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted more people online during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
2. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted the same number of people online during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
3. In 2020-21, my organisation assisted fewer people online during the pandemic than it did in 2018‑19.
8. The following questions relate to the sharing of case-related information between service providers and across sectors.
How satisfied are you with existing co‑ordination mechanisms between sectors and service providers in your area working to support people who have experienced GBV?
1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied
4. Dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
6. Not applicable
7. Don’t know
How simple is it for service providers from your organisation to share case-related information with other service providers who are affiliated with your organisation through established partnerships, but who are employed by different agencies; for example, in a situation of co‑location?
1. Extremely simple
2. Simple
3. Neither simple, nor complicated
4. Somewhat complicated
5. Extremely complicated
6. Don’t know
How simple is it for service providers from your organisation to share case-related information with other service providers who are unaffiliated and/or operating in a different sector?
1. Extremely simple
2. Simple
3. Neither simple, nor complicated
4. Somewhat complicated
5. Extremely complicated
6. Don’t know
If applicable, please describe the barriers and obstacles that exist in terms of cross-sectoral coordination or sharing of case-related information between service providers. These can be, for example, due to legal or privacy concerns, technological obstacles, time constraints, internal policies, etc.
Please describe strategies that have worked to the benefit of clients, in terms of efficiency of service procurement and trauma reduction. Feel free to provide examples of integrated service delivery that worked particularly well in your organisation.
Please describe resources or procedural adjustments that would make a significant impact for your clients in the way of streamlining services.
9. The following questions are about direct funding and financing of your organisation. Please indicate the percentage of your annual budget that the following sources of funding account for; including the stability of the source of funding in the space provided:
Thinking about Federal/National Ministry, agency, programme(s) or grant(s):
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Thinking about Sub-national (state, provincial, regional) government agency, programme(s) or grant(s):
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Thinking about local/municipal government, programme(s) or grant(s):
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Thinking about private or corporate funding/sponsorship:
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Thinking about non-profit sources of funding (non-profit foundation, religious organisation or charitable trust):
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Thinking about internal fundraising or individual donations:
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Thinking about profit from service users:
1. 0%
2. 1-20%
3. 21-40%
4. 41-60%
5. 61-80%
6. 81-100%
Please indicate the stability of the source of funding going forward, according to the options provided:
a. The same of more funding will be received next year
b. The same or more funding will be received for the next 2-5 years
c. This will certainly remain a source of funding in the future, though the amount and frequency is not predictable
d. This is uncertain to remain a source of funding in the future
e. Not applicable
Since the outbreak of the COVID‑19 pandemic (Q1 2020), has your organisation received additional/emergency funding?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t know
Is/was this funding:
1. A one-time sum
2. A regularly occurring sum, distributed over a fixed time frame
3. A regularly occurring sum, distributed indefinitely or until further notice
4. Not applicable
5. Don’t know
10. The following questions are about indirect funding and other non-monetary supports for your organisation.
Thinking about indirect funding and/or non‑monetary supports provided by the government, which of the following does your organisation already benefit from? (Select all that apply)
1. Capacity-building in the form of training
2. Capacity-building in the form of informational resources
3. Capacity-building in the form of networking and communication fora
4. Infrastructural resources that facilitate collaboration and/or cooperation with other service providers (e.g., a database; intranet; etc.)
5. Physical infrastructure, such as office spaces, clinics, hospital wards, etc.
6. Human resources, such as government employees who perform dedicated work in and/or for your organisation
7. Other; please specify:
Thinking about the indirect funding and/or non-monetary supports listed above, which would your organisation benefit from receiving (where it does not already)? (Select all that apply)
1. Capacity-building in the form of training
2. Capacity-building in the form of informational resources
3. Capacity-building in the form of networking and communication fora
4. Infrastructural resources that facilitate collaboration and/or co‑operation with other service providers (e.g. a database; network; etc.)
5. Physical infrastructure, such as office spaces, clinics, hospital wards, etc.
6. Human resources, such as government employees who perform dedicated work in and/or for your organisation
7. Other; please specify: