Screening questions:
All delegates are requested to reply to questions 1 and 2.
1. Does your country currently have a recurrent tax on individual net wealth?
□ Yes
□ No
2. Did your country have a recurrent tax on individual net wealth between 1965 and 2016?
□ Yes
□ No
If you responded yes to either question 1 or 2, please proceed to the following questions.
General information
3. Name of the tax (in national language and English): ____
4. Year of introduction: ____
5. Year of abolition if the tax was repealed: ____
6. Was the net wealth tax initially introduced as a temporary measure?
□ Yes
□ No
7. National tax or local/municipal tax:
□ National level tax
□ Local/municipal level tax
□ National and local/municipal tax
8. Main rationale for introducing the net wealth tax: ____
9. If the net wealth tax is still in force, main rationale for maintaining it: ____
10. If the net wealth tax was repealed, main rationale for repealing it: ____
Tax base
11. The tax applies on:
□ An individual basis
□ A family basis
12. Tax base for residents, please specify if other than worldwide net assets: ___
13. Tax base for non-residents, please specify if other than assets that are physically located within the jurisdiction: ___
14. Taxed assets, please list (e.g. residential property; land; movable property; listed and unlisted shares; corporate and government bonds; cash, etc.):
15. Untaxed assets, please specify (e.g. business assets; pension savings; assets held in collective investment vehicles, trusts and foundations; jewellery; artwork; vehicles; intellectual property rights; etc.): ___
16. For business assets, please specify those which are exempt:
□ Assets directly used in the professional activity of the taxpayer, please specify rules: ___
□ Shares in a company owned by the taxpayer (and possibly relatives), please specify rules: ___
□ Other, please specify: ___
17. Valuation rules, please specify valuation rules for all taxable assets:
18. Is there an exemption threshold?
□ No
□ Yes, based on the value of total net taxable assets, please specify (in national currency): __
□ Yes, based on taxpayer income, please specify (in national currency): __
19. Tax allowances, please specify:
20. Tax credits, please specify:
21. Deductibility of debts, please specify deductible and non-deductible debts:
22. Tax cap or other limitations on total tax liability, if yes please specify rules: ___
23. Temporary exemption (net wealth tax holiday) for individuals/households who change their tax residency:
□ Yes, please specify rules: ____
□ No
24. Were the above rules previously different? If so, please specify the main net wealth tax base changes that were introduced and why ___
Tax rates
25. Please specify applicable tax rates (for local or municipal level taxes, please provide as much information as possible):