Data presented on corporate bond issuances are based on OECD calculations using data obtained from Thomson Reuters Eikon that provides international deal‑level data on new issues of corporate bonds that are underwritten by an investment bank. The database provides a detailed set of information for each corporate bond issue, including the identity, nationality and sector of the issuer; the type, interest rate structure, maturity date and rating category of the bond, the amount of and use of proceeds obtained from the issue.
Convertible bonds, deals that were registered but not consummated, preferred shares, sukuk bonds, bonds with an original maturity less than or equal to one year or an issue size less than USD 1 million are excluded from the dataset. The analyses in the report are limited to bond issues by non‑financial companies. The industry classification is carried out based on Thomson Reuters Business Classification (TRBC). First-level industry groups (TRBC Economic Sector) are used for all analyses except for those involving real estate companies. These companies are included in the financials first-level group, so to identify them a second-level industry group (TRBC Industry Group) is used. Only companies classified as active within real estate operations are included. REITs are excluded. The country breakdown is carried out based on the issuer’s country of domicile. Yearly issuance amounts initially collected in USD were adjusted by 2020 US Consumer Price Index (CPI). Information provided in monthly frequency is collected and presented in USD.
Given that a significant portion of bonds are issued internationally, it is not possible to assign such issues to a certain country of issue. For this reason, the country breakdown is carried out based on the country of domicile of the issuer. The advanced/emerging market classification is based on IMF country classification.