This report was prepared by Elliot Smith, Legal Analyst, Natural Resources for Development Unit, OECD Development Centre, under the guidance, direction and supervision of Lahra Liberti, Head of Unit. It was developed within the framework of the Centre’s Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development, and in particular its Thematic Dialogue on Commodity Trading Transparency.
The report benefited from input during discussions on early drafts of the document at the Twelfth Plenary Meeting of the Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development (20 June 2019) and the Fifteenth Plenary Meeting (4 December 2020), as well as additional discussions that took place at the Fourteenth Plenary Meeting (26 June 2020).
The authors would like to thank Catherine Anderson and Rebecca Engebretsen (OECD Development Co‑operation Directorate) for their expert review and valuable comments, and Henri-Bernard Solignac‑Lecomte, Delphine Grandrieux and Elizabeth Nash for their support during the publication process.
Finally, the authors would also like to express their deep appreciation to the governments of Nigeria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, for co-chairing the multi-stakeholder consultations of the Thematic Dialogue on Commodity Trading Transparency, held as part of the plenary meetings of the Policy Dialogue from 2018-20, and for providing guidance and continuous support for this work.