The job functions that are used to approximate innovative activity in firms are classified depending on the keywords in the job function description. Types of classifications can vary across countries. For Finland and Portugal, job functions are classified using the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) classification.
The ISCO-08 classification provides a description of job functions with four different levels of detail for each job: major groups, sub-major groups, minor groups and unit groups. Each level includes a list of tasks typically required for the job.
The jobs that fall under the group “HR job functions” need to mention one or more of the following keywords: “human resource”, “career”, “training” and “staff development”.
These keywords correspond to ISCO occupation unit groups as follows:
1212 Human Resource Managers.
2423 Personnel and Careers Professionals.
2424 Training and Staff Development Professionals.
4416 Personnel Clerks.
Management can be tracked by identification of job function groups, which have “management”, “organisation” or “planning” in their title.
Management is represented by the following ISCO occupations:
1213 Policy and Planning Managers.
2421 Management and Organisation Analyst.
2422 Management Policy Specialist.
The digital technology job functions are all jobs that mention “information technology”, “multimedia”, “software”, “programmers”, “database”, “network” and “system” in their title or job functions.
These generate the following list of ISCO occupations:
Research job functions are the jobs that mention “research” in the title of their profession (excluding 4227 Survey and Market Research Interviewers) and as well as “research” among the first tasks in the description of the occupation.
These are the following job functions by ISCO-08 classification:
1223 Research and Development Managers.
21 Science and Engineering Professionals.
2310 University and Higher Education Teachers.
2351 Education Methods Specialists.
2631 Economists.
2632 Sociologists, Anthropologists and Related Professionals.
2633 Philosophers, Historians and Political Scientists.
2634 Psychologists.
Marketing job functions typically have “marketing”, “advertising” or “public relations” in their job title. This includes the following jobs:
1221 Sales and Marketing Managers.
1222 Advertising and Public Relations Managers.
2431 Advertising and Marketing Specialist.
2432 Public Relations Specialist.
Each employee in the administrative dataset is assigned a value of one if their job belongs to one of the five groups of job functions, zero otherwise. The employee dataset is then aggregated on the firm level, such that it contains the firm identifier, year (if applicable) and a number of contracts/persons that worked in each of the five innovative job groups. Such an aggregated employment dataset is linked to balance sheet data for scaling-up analysis.
For other types of classification, cross-validation of identified job categories needs to ensure that analysis considers only relevant employees. Labelling of the job functions involves a correct and sensible translation of the keywords used in the data. Besides identifying the desired groups of job functions, other jobs with the same keywords may appear in a selection without characterising the targeted job category. For example, “management” can appear in titles or descriptions of non-managerial job functions.