The OECD Harmonised Templates (OHTs) are standard data formats for reporting information on chemicals to determine their properties or effects on human health and the environment (e.g. toxicokinetics, skin irritation, repeated dose toxicity, biodegradation in soil, metabolism of residues in crops, etc.) and also to describe their use and related exposure to workers, consumers and the environment. They can be used as specifications for data entry screens in data management systems (e.g. IUCLID). Data elements, which could be relevant for the risk assessment of chemicals, are listed as well as the format in which the information should be entered and stored electronically, together with field-specific help texts intended to guide end users.
The OHTs constitute harmonised tools that are useful to developers and maintainers of databases on chemicals. Harmonisation in this context means that these templates can be used as models for reporting studies and other information on any type of chemicals (e.g. pesticides, biocides, industrial chemicals, food/feed additives).
In 2023, the OECD format harmonisation scope was extended to incorporate OECD Harmonised Endpoint Summaries, making them an integral part of the OHTs suite of templates. This format was originally developed in IUCLID in the context of EU REACH to offer a generic way to summarise information at endpoint level. The usage of this format was extended to other regulations and jurisdictions e.g. EU BPR, EU PPP, New Zealand HSNO and Australia AICIS legislations. To date, there are over 100 Harmonised Endpoint Summary formats.