IUCLID is a key software application for both regulatory bodies and the chemical industry where it is used in the implementation of various regulatory programmes. IUCLID can be customised and configured to manage chemical data in different contexts and is a platform employing globally harmonised data elements pertinent to chemicals. It is continuously updated to provide greater customisation, extension and integration with other tools.
IUCLID supports international co-operation regarding the management of chemicals. It is part of an and its member countries around common harmonised electronic formats. Its format captures information which complies with the reporting requirements of the OECD Test Guidelines, as well as harmonised electronic formats, the OECD Harmonised Templates for Reporting Chemical Test Summaries (OHTs) and other national/international methods used for chemical studies. The OECD Test Guidelines play a role in the system among OECD members and non-OECD member adherents, which supports international harmonisation, reduces duplicative testing of chemicals and minimises barriers to trade.