CiCi the careers chatbot supports personalised career exploration for young people (and adults) by giving them access to current and relevant careers information in a single place. It lightens the workload of career advisers and improves the quality of time spent supporting students by providing 24/7 impartial and confidential careers information and advice. The chatbot can also potentially be used by teachers and parents. While developed in the UK, it can be translated into different languages and has a text-to-speech function to support individuals with different learning preferences. A live dashboard complements CiCi the bot by capturing information on the user type i.e. gender, ethnicity, age, types of searches being carried out and top occupations, time of the day usage, and numbers requesting a warm handover to a human adviser. The bot information is aligned with the national (England) inspection framework for schools, quality standards and the Gatsby benchmarks.
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