Cameroon1 did not provide a completed peer review questionnaire to the Secretariat. It is not known whether Cameroon has implemented the transparency framework. Cameroon is recommended to ensure that it has put in place an effective information gathering process to identify all relevant past and future rulings and all potential exchange jurisdictions and to implement a review and supervision mechanism, as soon as possible, (ToR I.4). Cameroon is recommended to put in place a domestic legal framework allowing spontaneous exchange of information on rulings if needed and to ensure the timely exchange of information on rulings in the form required by the transparency framework (ToR II.5).
It is not known whether Cameroon can legally issue any types of ruling within the scope of the transparency framework,2 or whether in practice Cameroon issued any such rulings.
As no exchange of information on rulings was conducted, no peer input was received in respect of the exchanges of information on rulings received from Cameroon.
1. Cameroon did not provide written comments on this peer review report.
2. Note: According to publicly available information, it appears that Cameroon can legally issue advanced tax rulings.