220. In the prior year peer review report, it was determined that SII’s completion and exchange of templates procedure to be applicable once rulings are actually issued was sufficient to meet the minimum standard. SII’s implementation in this regard remains unchanged, and therefore continues to meet the minimum standard.
221. Even though it is not currently issuing rulings in practice, SII affirms that when rulings are issued, the required information will be shared in a template based on Annex C of the Action 5 Report (OECD, 2015). SII also commits to complete the summary section in Annex C with the prescribed instructions to the section. Where relevant, Chile will also apply the internal FHTP suggested guidance.
222. As no rulings within the scope of the transparency framework have been issued in practice, Chile was not required to complete any exchanges of information and there is no data to report on the timeliness of exchanges.
Conclusion on section B
223. Chile has the necessary legal framework and administrative process in place for exchanging information on rulings. Chile has met all of the ToR for the exchange of information process that can be met in the absence of rulings being issued and exchanged in practice and no recommendations are made.