317. For Curaçao, past rulings are any tax rulings within scope that are issued either: (i) on or after 1 January 2015 but before 1 April 2017; or (ii) on or after 1 January 2012 but before 1 January 2015, provided they were still in effect as at 1 January 2015.
318. The process for identifying past rulings was conducted as follows. The tax rulings are stored in a database on the basis of the issuance date. The database also contains the ruling reference number and the name of the taxpayer. The rulings team used the database to identify all possibly relevant rulings, and then checked the content of the ruling. This included reading each ruling to conduct an analysis of the requested benefits, the review of the issuance date to determine the period of validity for past rulings, as well as an examination of the structure charts of the company to determine if there were likely to be cross-border aspects. The ruling team additionally matched the text of the granted tax rulings with the tax returns of the taxpayers. Where relevant, the ruling was identified and registered according to its corresponding category under the transparency framework.
319. By the end of 2017 Curaçao completed its review process and identified the rulings issued in the past. Currently Curacao is in the process of reviewing the past rulings in order to confirm that they are cross border rulings and therefore within the scope of the transparency framework. This process also entails identifying which category each ruling falls into, as there has been a large number of rulings, and many of these fall into more than one category. This process, including the exchange of the rulings under the transparency agenda, will be completed by the first quarter of 2019.
320. In order to identify the exchange jurisdictions, the same review process was used as this information is usually included in each ruling. Curaçao has used the “best efforts approach” in cases where information on all the relevant jurisdictions was not contained in the ruling, whereby Curaçao approached the relevant taxpayers and tax advisors to assist with completing the templates and to provide the structure chart to identify all relevant jurisdictions.