504. For Hong Kong, future rulings are any tax rulings within scope that are issued on or after 1 April 2017.
505. The rulings are identified at the moment that applications for APAs/ARs are received from the taxpayer.
506. With respect to ARs, applicants are now required to state whether the requested ARs fall within the four categories in the scope of the transparency framework, and if so, to which categories the ARs belong. This information will be registered in the AR register and updated in the course of processing the ARs after verification by senior officers. For controlling purposes, a monthly report will be generated from the AR register to identify all the issued ARs which are not classified as Action 5 rulings. If they appear to fall within the scope, the AR register will be amended.
507. In order to identify potential exchange jurisdictions, the taxpayer is required to provide this information in the AR application. This information is verified by senior officers by checking the supporting documents, and consulting the profits tax file of the taxpayer and the annual report of the taxpayer’s ultimate parent entity available from internet. Upon the finalisation of the AR, the case officer is required to double check the available information to ensure that all relevant related parties and their jurisdictions of residence are correctly identified.
508. In the year of review, Hong Kong only considered applications for unilateral APAs in exceptional circumstances and no such APA was issued. The information gathering process for future APA rulings was the same as for past APA rulings. Following the enactment of the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 6) Ordinance 2018 on 13 July 2018, Hong Kong’s APA regime has been codified and applications for unilateral APAs will generally be considered. The information gathering process for APA applications has now been revised along the same line as the amended process for ARs as described in the previous paragraphs.