1017. For Peru, past rulings are any tax rulings within scope that are issued either: (i) on or after 1 January 2015 but before 1 September 2017; or (ii) on or after 1 January 2012 but before 1 January 2015, provided still in effect as at 1 January 2015.
1018. The process for identifying past rulings was conducted as follows. The SUNAT Central Legal Area (Intendencia Nacional Jurídica Tributaria- INJT) was in charge of identifying all possible documents that could qualify as rulings under the transparency framework. As a result of the evaluation carried out, INJT concluded that particular consultations and the APAs could be in scope of the transparency framework because they are binding on the tax administration and apply to specific taxpayer circumstances.
1019. The IPCN office works independently but under the control of the Strategy and Risk Unit (Intendencia Nacional de Estrategias y Riesgos – INER). IPCN is compelled to report to INER on the issuance of particular consultations and APAs on a rolling basis. An internal database is maintained by the IPCN office for particular consultations, but not yet for APA rulings since the IPCN office has not issued any APAs. If and when APA rulings will be issued, a dedicated database will be maintained by the IPCN office. INER reviewed the report sent by the IPCN office, which is based on the internal database, and read each particular consultation issued by that unit in order to determine if it was in the scope of the transparency framework, and if it was within the period of validity defined as past rulings. INER confirmed that no relevant rulings had been issued.
1020. As there were no relevant rulings issued, it was not relevant to identify any potential exchange jurisdictions.