The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has undertaken analyses of new substances and existing substances registered under the REACH Regulation in the European Union to determine the extent to which the following have been used to fulfil information requirements for each (eco)toxicological endpoint:
new experimental studies
old experimental studies
proposals for new experimental studies
(Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationship [(Q)SAR]
weight of evidence.
Data for the period up to March 2016 on the number of new and existing substances completing their data requirements via each of the above routes is described in the report entitled The Use of Alternatives to Testing on Animals for the REACH Regulation (ECHA, 2017).
Table B.1 provides a breakdown of the costs by endpoint. It also provides data on the average costs of new experimental studies drawn from the Risk & Policy Analysts Limited (RPA)’s in-house database of testing costs and the number of animals required to undertake tests.