In 2018, tourism contributed 8.7% of GDP, higher than the contribution from the construction, financial services and mining sectors. In 2018, tourism directly employed more than 2.3 million people (6.0% of total employment) its highest level since 2006. In 2018 tourism export earnings of MXN 215.5 billion were recorded. Travel exports represented 78.3% of total service exports in 2018. Most tourism consumption was inbound (82.5%) rather than outbound leading to a balance of payments surplus. In 2018, inbound tourism consumption grew by 2.8% compared with the previous year, a higher growth rate than the general economy.
In 2018, there were 41.3 million international visits, a 5.1% increase on 2017. During 2018, international tourism receipts amounted to MXN 433.0 billion and the largest source market was the United States, accounting for 10.5 million tourists. However, since 2016 overnight visitors from the United States have decreased by 56.7%. Other key markets are Canada (2.2 million) and United Kingdom (590 900), both of which experienced steady growth. In 2018, there were record levels of domestic tourism amounting to some 100.4 million nights, an increase of 5.1% on 2017.