Since November 2019, tourism is within the scope of the Minister of Economic Development. The Ministry is responsible for all tourism-related matters, including the management and regulation of tourism. Legislation within the competence of the Ministry in the field of tourism administration includes the 2017 Act on package travel, the 2010 regulation relating to hotel classification, the 2004 regulation relating to hotel and other accommodation facilities, the 1999 Act establishing the Polish Tourism Organisation and its implementing regulations, and the 1997 Act on accommodation services and services of tour leaders and tourist guides.
The Ministry also supervises the Polish Tourism Organisation which is responsible for the marketing and promotion of Poland as a tourist destination, carrying out statistical and marketing analyses, and ensuring the development and operation of the Polish tourist information system. The organisation has 14 international offices located in established and emerging source markets and co-operates with regional and local tourist organisations as well as others involved in the promotion and development of tourism at the regional level.
At sub-national level, the primary role in tourism development is played by regional governments as well as local governments, at county and municipal level. Local or regional level tasks fall into two groups: the public sector tasks not allocated to other bodies under relevant legislation; and tasks commissioned by the National Government.
Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) are organisations within which co-operation is conducted between the local government (particularly at the voivoship, i.e. province level) and the tourism industry particularly in the field of consumer marketing and promotion of the geographic area covered by the organisation’s activities, both in the country and abroad. An RTO has the legal status of an association. As well as promotion, its roles typically include supporting the operation and development of tourist information systems, initiating, assessing and supporting tourism infrastructure development and modernisation plans, and co-operation with the Polish Tourism Organisation.
At the local level, there are about 120 local tourism organisations. Commissioned tasks include the classification of local hotel facilities, the supervision and registration of companies and entrepreneurs operating as travel agents or tour operators as well as the registration of other specific trades, such as mountain guides.
In 2018, the tourism budget amounted to PLN 60.9 million, including the budget for the Polish Tourism Organisation of PLN 49.5 million. In addition, in the years 2014-2020, specific tourism sector projects were supported by EU structural funds. The budget has increased year on year and has seen an overall increase of 26.9% since 2014. According to the draft 2020 budget, the allocation for Tourism is PLN 61 million together with PLN 181 000 from EU project funding.