Tourism is one of the cornerstones of the Spanish economy and an outstanding driver of economic and social development. In 2017 it accounted for 11.8% of GDP and in 2018 sustained 13.5% of employment (or 2.6 million direct jobs). Tourism continues to contribute substantially to offsetting the country's trade deficit with tourism receipts amounting to EUR 62.5 billion, in 2018 – a growth of 3.6% compared with 2017. In 2018, tourist arrivals reached 82.8 million (+1.1% compared to 2017), generating EUR 89.8 billion in international receipts (+3.3% compared to 2017). Travel exports represented 52.3% of total service exports in 2018.
The top three inbound markets for Spain are the United Kingdom (22.4% of tourist arrivals), Germany (13.8%), and France (13.6%). There has been an increase in long-haul inbound travel from markets such as the United States, China and South Korea, largely due to improvements in air connectivity and growth in the global economy.
Spanish domestic tourism is also very significant. In 2018, Spain recorded a total of 425.4 million domestic trips, of which 139.9 million were overnight (+1.1% compared to 2017) and 285.5 million were day visitors (+1.9% from 2017).