The outcomes from Finland were generated thanks to the co‑operation with Statistics Finland.
The data is available for the years 2008 to 2018. The final dataset covers the business world in Finland.
The final dataset used for the analysis is compiled of the following sources that contain corresponding information:
The Statistical Business Register includes the following variables used in the scale-up analysis: firm-level identifier, start date, end date, the field of activity, legal form.
Structural Business Statistics includes information on turnover, value-added, EBITDA1, purchases, total employment costs, number of full-time equivalent (FTE) positions.
International Trade in Goods Statistics reports information on exports and imports for each trading firm by product and country. Data for International Trade in Goods Statistics are collected by Finnish Customs
FOLK is a linked employer-employee register with information on wage, education, occupation, employee age, gender, nationality, last promotion, etc.
The Statistical Business Register is at the core of microdata linking. Data are aggregated on the level of the firm with corresponding shares from the employee- or product-level datasets and linked based on firm-level identifiers available in all data sources.
Employment is measured as headcount at the end of the reference year.