Industries relying intensively on intellectual property (IP) play a significant role in the modern, advanced economies, and serve as a primary driver of economic growth and competitiveness. The IP-intensive industries rely on the recognition and effective enforcement of a variety of intangible assets and products of the mind and human intellect, which we refer to collectively as “intellectual property”.
The story of IP is a story of economic growth, high-paying jobs, economic competitiveness, innovation and creative expression. In a globalised and competitive economic world, the protection of IP is crucial and firms may benefit from it in different ways such as improved reputation, higher turnover, access to new markets, and strong and sustainable growth. In addition to being a major driver of economic growth, IP provides the incentive to create, invest in and commercialise new inventions, products and services, while helping artists and authors to disseminate their works, be they literary, artistic, musical, cinematic or other creative forms of human expression.