Despite persistent external shocks and waning external demand over the first half of 2023, Emerging Asia’s exports will continue to be supported by robust regional demand, which has helped buffer against global downside risks. Access to multiple markets within closer geographic range has broadened the regions’ export destinations beyond the United States, European Union, and Japan. In the first quarter of 2023, intraregional exports and imports (Emerging Asia to Emerging Asia) are at 26.4% and 26%, continuing to surpass the region’s exports to and imports from the United States, European Union or Japan (Figure 3). ASEAN records an even larger share of exports to Emerging Asia, with ASEAN-to-ASEAN exports estimated at 23.4%, ASEAN to China exports estimated at 14.9% and ASEAN to India exports at 3.7%, for a total of approximately 42% for the region (Figure 4). Meanwhile, ASEAN’s exports to the United States, European Union and Japan are substantially lower, at 30.1%.
Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India 2023 - Update
Resilience Under Uncertainty
Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India