The Guidelines for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption (2015-2020) were adopted at the central government level. The strategy identified four objectives: 1) Reorient anti-corruption and anti-fraud policy from the external control exercised by control institutions to the internal control of departments and institutions; 2) Ensure openness of public administration human resources across the whole public administration; 3) Reduce public tolerance towards corruption and promote public involvement in the policy-making process; 4) Launch measures to combat corruption and fraud in the private sector. As of the Final Assessment of the impact of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption for 2015-2020, published in 2022, Latvia had implemented 75% of the corruption prevention activities planned. The Corruption Prevention and Combating Action Plan 2023-2025 has since followed this strategy.
Latvia has a central government body focused on anti-corruption and prevention of conflict-of-interest (Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, hereinafter KNAB), which also supervises political finance. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development is responsible for open data policy. The Ministry of Finance is tasked with the central harmonisation of internal audit.