Poland had an anti-corruption strategy adopted at the central government level – the Government Programme for Counteracting Corruption – that expired in 2020. The strategy aimed to reduce corruption crimes and raise public awareness on the importance of fighting corruption and strengthening public integrity. It defined three objectives, namely 1) strengthening preventive and educational activities, 2) improving mechanisms for monitoring corruption threats and monitoring legal regulations in the field of preventing corruption and 3) intensifying co-operation and co-ordination of activities between law enforcement agencies. As of February 2024, Poland does not have an anti-corruption strategy in place.
In terms of institutions, Poland has central government bodies on anti-corruption (Central Anti-Corruption Bureau), political finance (National Election Commission), lobbying (Ministry of Interior and Administration), a central harmonization unit for internal control and internal audit (Ministry of Finance). However, Poland does not have central body responsible for overseeing conflict of interest.