This report was prepared under the umbrella of the OECD Inclusive Growth Initiative. It was developed under the leadership of Gabriela Ramos, Chief of Staff, Sherpa to the G20 and the supervision of Romina Boarini, Coordinator of the Inclusive Growth Initiative, and co-ordinated by Gráinne Dirwan.
The report draws extensively on analysis carried out across a range of OECD Directorates. Chapter 1: lead author was Gráinne Dirwan. Chapter 2: lead author was Gráinne Dirwan with contributions from Thomas Liebig and Yves Breem of the Directorate for Labour, Employment and Social Affairs, and Caitlyn Gutherie and Francesco Borgonovi of the Directorate for Education and Skills. Chapter 3: lead author was Gráinne Dirwan with contributions from Olivier Thévenon and Marissa Plouin of the Directorate for Labour, Employment and Social Affairs, and Stéphanie Jamet, Yuri Belfali, and Elizabeth Shuey of the Directorate for Education and Skills. Chapter 4: lead author was Gráinne Dirwan with contributions from Olivier Thévenon of the Directorate for Labour, Employment and Social Affairs, Stéphanie Jamet, Yuri Belfali, Caitlyn Gutherie, Elizabeth Shuey and Tracey Burns of the Directorate of Education and Skills, and Elettra Ronchi and Andras Molnar of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. Chapter 5: lead authors were Alexandre Kolev, Justina La and Ji-Yuen Rim of the OECD Development Centre, with contributions from Olivier Thévenon of the Directorate for Labour, Employment and Social Affairs.
In addition, the report was reviewed and valuable guidance and comments received from Olivier Thévenon and Willem Adema of the Directorate for Labour, Employment and Social Affairs, Stéphanie Jamet, Yuri Belfali, Elizabeth Shuey and Tracey Burns of the Directorate for Education and Skills, and Alexandre Kolev of the Development Centre. An earlier draft of the report was also reviewed by the Working Party on Social Policy. Valuable support in the editorial and production process was provided by Amelia Smith, Janine Treves and France Charlet, Damian Garnys, Eileen Capponi, Audrey Garrigoux and Paul Gallagher. The report was prepared with a grant from the Ford Foundation.