Three approaches for regionalisation in Portugal are presented in this report, in the broader decentralisation context. These options are based on models that are most often observed in other European countries. They can also be progressively adjusted as more information on reform needs will become available. The options presented in this report are not mutually exclusive and are actually complementary, in particular the options to strengthen the metropolitan areas and the IMCs that can go hand in hand with the creation of administrative regions.
In general, the options presented here would improve the implementation of decentralisation in Portugal. In the longer time frame, it is also likely that the proposed measures would contribute to enhanced efficiency of public services and to slower growth of public expenditure. Provided that subnational governments will be assigned also own revenues which will cover a considerable share of their service expenditures, decentralisation together with fiscal rules can also support fiscal responsibility of subnational governments. Decentralising spending without decentralising revenues would be a risk for public finances because a high reliance on central transfers can incentivise subnational governments to overspend and to incur debt, especially if subnational governments operate under soft budget constraints.
The following alternative ways forward are provided as a basis for further discussion and possible further investigation.
(i) Decentralisation and strengthened deconcentration without empowerment of the regional level
If Portugal decides not to establish administrative regions at this stage and maintain the deconcentrated model, there are still several ways Portugal could strengthen the current system of regional governance. Such measures are summarised below:
Aligning the regional networks of deconcentrated central government departments with the CCDRs
The deconcentrated central government services could be better co-ordinated by making the regional organisational structures more alike and compatible. Such reorganisation should also include the various consultative entities promoting vertical and horizontal co-ordination at the regional level. Furthermore, the role of presidents of the CCDRs should be strengthened in relation to the heads of sectoral deconcentrated government departments. These measures would improve the effectiveness of CCDRs.
Strengthening the capacity and fiscal autonomy of municipalities for enhanced service delivery
The decentralisation process started in August 2018 should be continued and followed through. However, partial decentralisation such as only assigning responsibility for service delivery, may not lead to the full benefits of decentralisation. Spending responsibilities should also be accompanied by local financing responsibility to secure the right incentives for subnational governments.
Clarifying the role of intermunicipal co-operation
Currently, IMCs and MAs play only a marginal role in local public service delivery. While this situation may change as more tasks are decentralised to municipalities during the coming years, the central government could nevertheless accelerate the process with financial incentives. One way to accomplish this could be to use the transfer system, for example by directing more transfers to IMCs instead of municipalities, in case of public services with important externalities.
Intensifying the metropolitan governance in Lisbon and Porto areas
The ability of MAs to engage in real decision-making and financing of the metropolitan areas should be improved. Metropolitan authorities should also have adequate capacity to take responsibility for development in the region.
One option could be to alter MAs into subnational government units with elected councils and with sufficient fiscal autonomy, by granting them taxation rights (for example property tax) for example, as well as giving them important tasks of regionwide importance such as transport, environment, housing, land use and planning. Another possibility could be to merge the municipalities of the metropolitan region to form large metropolitan cities.
Rethinking the task assignments between levels of multilevel government
There seems to be room for rethinking the service assignments between central government, municipalities, parishes, IMCs and MAs. A nationwide plan could be prepared for reorganising the tasks and responsibilities as well as resources. All main stakeholders (e.g. line ministries, representatives of municipalities, IMCs, central government agencies, research institutes) should be engaged in the process.
(ii) Decentralisation without full regionalisation by reinforced municipal and intermunicipal levels
The second alternative policy strategy for Portugal could be to establish a compulsory regionwide intermunicipal association, which could take over the tasks of the CCDRs.
Such a co-operative regional body could also take over the responsibility for some of the tasks that are currently organised by IMCs or by municipalities, but only if this can be justified by externalities that could be internalised by the regional government.
The responsibility of metropolitan governance could be focused on special metropolitan authorities as regionwide authorities would be too big and heterogeneous to be effective in solving metropolitan problems.
The regional councils in this alternative would consist of members elected by municipalities in the region. The tasks of the co-operative regional governments could be limited to regional planning, managing EU funds and other tasks with clear regionwide benefit areas such as environmental protection and regional roads. The financing of the regions could be based on central government transfers and municipal member fees.
(iii) Decentralisation through complementary regionalisation and intermunicipal co-operation reforms
Establishing a full-scale, elected, self-governing regional government level as described in the Portuguese Constitution, i.e. administrative regions, is the third alternative path. Establishing administrative regions would solve many issues that the other two alternatives presented in this section are not able to solve or only partially. Compared with other potential alternatives, the elected self-governing regions provide advantages in terms of local democracy, legitimacy and accountability. Administrative regions could also bring additional allocative efficiency, depending on the eventual tasks assigned to the regions.
It should be noted that establishing administrative regions would not exclude policies to strengthen decentralisation at the local level. Therefore, the proposals to empower municipalities and IMCs would still be valid as they would complement the measures to establish administrative regions.
Regional councils could have two main functions: regional development and territorial cohesion planning. The councils could be responsible for the EU Structural Funds programmes and their implementation. The financing of administrative regions should be based on central government transfers and own revenues. Administrative regions should also have budgetary and financial autonomy in service areas devolved to them.
It should also be noted that establishing administrative regions does not exclude the possibility of having a deconcentrated regional administration for purely central government services. However, the representatives of deconcentrated central government administration should not interfere with the decision-making of the regional governments. Instead, the deconcentrated central government administration could focus on ensuring that the subnational governments obey the law and that the quality of local public services does not deviate too much from the national standards.
Intermunicipal co-operation and administrative regions complement each other and hence should be promoted together as a driving force to improve local public services. Intermunicipal co-operation and regionalisation are two key mechanisms to both rationalise public expenditure and improve the quality of public services throughout the country. The metropolitan regions should have a special administrative solution since the administrative regions would be too big to focus effectively on metropolitan issues.
The regionalisation alternative described here could be the first step in a series of public sector reforms. The next phase could be to reform deconcentrated central government departments and to extend the service menu of administrative regions. Such reforms should be implemented sequentially, sector by sector for example, with careful planning and impact evaluation to avoid unwanted effects.