The National Electric Energy Agency (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL) is Brazil’s longest‑standing independent regulator. It regulates the generation, transmission, distribution and commercialisation of electricity.
Created in 1996, ANEEL has been instrumental in the development and liberalisation of the Brazilian electricity sector and has built a reputation as a competent economic regulator with an ambition to lead and excel. Stakeholders recognise ANEEL as a technically capable regulator with a highly qualified staff which ensures a sound evidence base for decision making. In a context of nation-wide anti-corruption efforts, ANEEL has implemented a broad array of transparency measures and strong institutional arrangements to support the integrity of decision-making.
Building on the solid results of this work and its reputation, ANEEL can make a further push to generate a culture of independence in its relations with stakeholders and to go the last mile to assert itself as a world-class regulator. This will require transparent dialogue with sector stakeholders regarding roles and responsibilities in designing and implementing the “sector modernisation”.
Going forward, ANEEL will also need to define an overarching strategic agenda beyond technical decision-making and use its discretion within legal and technical requirements, to ensure that regulatory actions benefit long-term policy objectives for the electricity sector. In doing so, ANEEL can advocate for changes that safeguard its autonomy with regard to its resourcing. Finally, in designing and implementing processes, the regulator will need to focus on their quality and outcomes, to ensure streamlined methods of working and avoid bureaucratisation.