This report was co-ordinated and prepared by Anna Pietikainen and James Drummond. The work underlying the report was led by Filippo Cavassini. Substantive comments were provided by Lorenzo Casullo, Filippo Cavassini, Andrea Perez, Winona Rei Bolislis, as well as Nick Malyshev, Head of the Regulatory Policy Division. The work received encouragement and support of Marcos Bonturi, Director, and Irène Hors, Deputy Director, Public Governance Directorate. Jennifer Stein co-ordinated the editorial process and Kate Lancaster and Andrea Uhrhammer provided editorial support. Alejandro Camacho of the OECD Mexico Centre provided support for the translation of the report into Spanish, which was prepared by Solar Servicios Editoriales.
The team included three peer reviewers from the members of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER), who participated in a policy mission to Ireland and provided extensive inputs and feedback throughout the development of the review: Ms. Luisa Perrotti, former Head of Cabinet, Presidency, Transport Regulation Authority (ART), Italy; Mr. Adolfo Cuevas, Commissioner, Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), Mexico; and Mr. Jonathan Porter, Senior Economic Advisor, Ofcom, United Kingdom.
The report would not have been possible without the support of OSIPTEL and its staff. The team would in particular like to thank the following colleagues for their unique assistance in collecting data and information, organising the team’s missions to Peru and providing feedback at different stages of the development of the review: Rafael Muente, President of the Board; Sergio Cifuentes, General Manager; Romina Alania, Management Specialist; Vanessa Castillo, International Affairs Coordinator; and Claudio Palomares, International Relations Specialist. Interviews and comments from the various OSIPTEL departments, government, industry and public stakeholders during the review process also contributed to the analysis presented in the report.
A draft of the report was discussed at the OECD Network of Economic Regulators in November 2018.