Convergence to higher living standards has continued steadily, driven by strong labour productivity growth and increasing labour utilisation. The unemployment rate is at a record low level, however, the employment rate remains below the OECD average, particularly for women and older workers.
Inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, is below the OECD average and has declined in recent years as a wide range of households have benefitted from the labour market recovery, and the large family benefits introduced in 2016 have helped to bring down child poverty. Greenhouse gas emissions per capita are slightly below the OECD average, but population exposure to air pollution is elevated leading to adverse effects on public health.
The government stepped up support for innovation and new social benefits have helped to bring down poverty. The authorities introduced business simplification measures and aim to improve the clarity of tax regulations.
Strengthening efforts to make pensioners aware of the benefits of working longer would lower old-age poverty risks, especially among women. Investing further in early childcare facilities would support women’s employment and attenuate the growth-inhibiting impact of population ageing. Increasing environmental taxes would provide stronger incentives to invest in green infrastructure, while developing a national skills strategy with strong basic and digital skills components would promote strong and inclusive long-term growth.