This publication was a collaborative effort of several members of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate. Ben Henderson ensured the overall coordination, in addition to being the author of Chapters 1 and 2. Jussi Lankoski wrote Chapter 3, Marcel Adenäuer wrote Chapter 4, and Céline Giner is the author of Chapter 5. The following OECD experts provided useful suggestions to improve early versions of the reports that later became the book chapters: Franck Jesus, Frank van Tongeren, Annelies Deuss, and Dimitris Diakosavvas from the Trade and Agriculture Directorate; and Rob Dellink, Simon Buckle, Jane Ellis, and Katia Karousakis from the Environment Directorate.
The authors are grateful to the following experts: Monika Verma, Andrzej Tabeau, and Hans van Meijl for their contributions to Chapter 2; Wolfgang Britz, Sanna Lötjönen and Markku Ollikainen for their contributions to Chapter 3; Petr Havlik, Stefan Frank and Hugo Valin for their contributions to Chapter 4; and Deepayan Debnath and Claire Palandri for their contributions to Chapter 5. Statistical help was provided by Claude Nenert and Gaëlle Gouarin for Chapters 4 and 5. The authors would also like to thank Theresa Poincet for her administrative and editing assistance at the initial stages of this project.
The substantive contributions and drafting assistance provided by Jonathan Brooks and Guillaume Gruère throughout all sections of the book were highly appreciated. The authors are also grateful to the delegates of the OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment for their comments. They would also like to extend their thanks to Michèle Patterson and Kelsey Burns of the Trade and Agriculture Directorate for their substantial editorial work on the book and for helping to co-ordinate the publication process.