The share of outstanding SME loans has increased continuously from 2014, with a KRW 41 trillion increase in 2018. Meanwhile, the stock of outstanding loans for large firms decreased during the same period, by approximately KRW 0.5 trillion, resulting in an increase in the share of outstanding SME loans.
Outstanding short-term loans as a share of total loans have declined continuously between 2007 (75%) and 2018 (50%). Both the level of outstanding short-term loans and the level of outstanding long-term loans have increased continuously from 2007. However, the growth rate of outstanding short-term loans has been higher than that of outstanding long-term loans.
While the level of government guaranteed loans has been on the rise since 2011, government guaranteed loans to SMEs as a share outstanding business loans to these firms has decreased continuously from 2012. Between 2017 and 2018, the volume of government-guaranteed loans rose by 2.8%. The amount of direct lending to SMEs in 2018 was KRW 4.4 trillion, which is about 0.6% of all outstanding business loans to SMEs.
Since 2013, the rate of non-performing loans has decreased continuously. 1.1% of all SME loans were non-performing in 2018, below the 2017 figure (1.17%). On the other hand, 1.88% of all business loans were non-performing in 2018, indicating that large business loans are more liable to be non-performing than SME loans.
Interest rates for SMEs increased by about 0.2 percentage points from 3.62% to 3.82% in 2018. On the other hand, interest rates for large firms increased by about 0.14 percentage point from 3.31% to 3.45% in 2018, resulting in higher interest rate spread between loans to SMEs and to large firms. However, SME interest rates are still quite low on average.
Venture and growth capital investments increased rapidly in 2018. The growth rate of venture and growth capital was 43.89%, with investments going from KRW 2.38 trillion to KRW 3.42 trillion.
Leasing and hire purchases volumes rose by 0.05% in 2018, which implies that these instruments were stable in 2018.
Since the global financial crisis, the number of bankruptcies has steadily decreased. Payment delays decreased by 1.5 days, on average, in 2018.