The main objective of the Government at a Glance series is to provide reliable and internationally comparable data on government activities and their results. The indicators in Government at a Glance are becoming themselves a measuring standard in many fields of public governance and have extended beyond OECD countries. By broadening the scope to other regions in the world, such as Western Balkans, the publication allows the countries and economies of the Western Balkan region to benchmark their governments’ performance within the region and in relation to the OECD and, specifically in this edition, the OECD-EU. In addition, it allows governments to track their own and international developments over time, and provides evidence to their public policy making. This publication covers six countries and economies of the Western Balkan region which are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Government at a Glance: Western Balkans recognises that governments are major actors in modern societies. Every citizen throughout his or her life interacts with governments from the issuance of birth certificates to the provision of health, education and social benefits. Furthermore, as societies reach higher development levels, expectations of quality public services tend to increase, while their objectives become more complex. Good governance is critical to long-term economic, social and environmental development. The ability of governments to operate effectively and efficiently depends in part on their management policies and practices.