685. In the prior years’ peer review reports, it was determined that Japan’s process for the completion and exchange of templates were sufficient to meet the minimum standard. However, it was also noted that some exchanges were delayed because the Express Mail Service from Japan to some jurisdictions had been suspended in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Japan noted that it was seeking alternate solutions for exchanges in the meantime, and it was not expected to be a recurring problem. Therefore, no recommendation was given, and the issue would be reviewed again this year’s peer review to monitor whether there is a persistent issue.
686. During the year in review, as noted by Japan in the prior year’s peer review report, six exchanges of rulings issued during 2020 were transmitted in 2021, and two exchanges were delayed. Japan notes that for now, there is no prospect of resuming the Express Mail Service. Therefore, in order to resolve this issue and to avoid any delays, Japan now uses an online storage service or, under certain conditions, e-mail. As a solution has been found to solve this issue, no recommendation has been made.
687. Japan has the necessary legal basis for spontaneous exchange of information, a process for completing the templates in a timely way and has completed all exchanges. Japan has met all of the ToR for the exchange of information process and no recommendations are made.