1046. For Samoa, future rulings are any tax rulings within scope that are issued on or after 1 September 2021.
1047. The ruling process in Samoa is well established despite the fact that no rulings have yet been issued. Any rulings issued are stored, both the hard copy and the electronic copy, in a confidential repository and database, respectively, within the Legal and Technical Division (LTD). LTD receives a notification from the Commissioner if there is a request for a ruling. A legal officer of LTD receives the notification for a request of ruling, enters the request into a spreadsheet and annotates the relevant details pertaining to the taxpayer and the timeline of the ruling. If a ruling is approved by the Commissioner, a hard copy is kept in a confidential repository, which is also stored in a secure Exchange of Information (EOI) room accessed only by LTD personnel. With regard to the electronic files, these are stored on a secure server accessible only by LTD personnel. Rulings can be easily identified from the electronic and physical files held by LTD. LTD also houses the EOI Unit and EOI personnel would be made aware that a ruling is being processed and possibly finalised. EOI personnel would be in charge of identifying which rulings are in the scope of the transparency framework. Given the expected small volumes of ruling applications in the jurisdiction, this process can be carried out manually. For rulings in scope of the transparency framework, EOI personnel would then identify relevant exchange jurisdictions. In case additional information is required in relation to these jurisdictions, Samoa can use its powers under the TAA to retrieve such information. Samoa is also considering to collect this information at the time the request of ruling is made by the taxpayer. LTD will be working on formalising a ruling request document that would have all the necessary information to comply with the transparency standard. Samoa also intends to provide training on the information gathering process to LTD/EOI personnel.
1048. To date, no rulings within the scope of the transparency framework have been issued as no applications have been submitted by taxpayers requiring the issuance of such rulings. As such, there was no need to identify potential exchange jurisdictions.