Unfortunately, a large number of indicators of opportunities and risks of the digital transformation are missing for Chile, limiting a comprehensive assessment of impacts. Relative to other OECD countries, Chile faces high exposure to risks of the digital transformation and limited performance in terms of opportunities. Access to internet has increased substantially over the past decade, and is now above the OECD average at 87.5%. However, the variety of uses of the Internet is limited and the level of inequality of uses of the Internet is above the OECD average. One of the major areas where Chile lags behind is in the area of digital skills and education. Few students in Chile have access to digital resources at school and the share of people making use of online education is relatively low. The share of people using the Internet for finding and applying for jobs in Chile is higher than in other OECD countries, however. At the same time, Chile is exposed to a key risk in the area of employment as it faces a relatively high level of jobs at risk of automation. In addition, 43% of children make extreme use of the Internet, which is higher than in any other OECD country.
How's Life in the Digital Age?
Opportunities and Risks of the Digital Transformation for People's Well-being