The indicators described in the previous chapter are used in this chapter to evaluate the progress of individual countries in seizing the opportunities of the digital transformation and in mitigating its risks. This chapter presents a country profile of each OECD country, identifying differences in countries’ progress when it comes to navigating the benefits and risks of the digital age. Due to data limitations, these profiles only assess countries’ comparative strengths and weaknesses based on average measures, without considering inequalities in achievements in certain opportunities and risks as well as changes over time.
Reader’s guide to the country profiles
The digital well-being wheel is a graphical depiction of OECD countries’ performance in seizing the opportunities and mitigating risks of the digital transformation. The wheel presents, for each country, the available indicators on the opportunities and risks associated with the digital transformation for each dimension of well-being, showing opportunities in dark blue and risks in yellow. The indicators are normalised to show a country’s relative situation compared to other OECD countries. Indicators are presented in such a way that longer bars mean either higher opportunities or higher risks, depending on the colour of the bar. For opportunities (in dark blue) longer bars indicate more positive outcomes, whereas for risks (in yellow), longer bars indicate more negative outcomes. When an indicator is missing, the relevant segment of the wheel is shaded in white.
The following pages present the digital well-being wheel for all OECD countries excluding Colombia, which (at the time of writing) was still on the access track to formal membership.