The report Managing climate risks, facing up to losses and damages was prepared under the supervision of Simon Buckle, Head of the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division at the OECD Environment Directorate, who has also contributed to writing the report. The co-ordinating lead authors for the report are Nicolina Lamhauge, Marcia Rocha, Balazs Stadler and Bopha Chhun from the OECD Environment Directorate. The following experts have contributed to the individual chapters, sections and boxes:
Chapter 2: Types of uncertainties and understanding of risks of losses and damages
Lead authors: Erica L. Thompson (London School of Economics) (entirety of Chapter 2); Friederike Otto (Oxford University, now Grantham Institute, Imperial College London) and Luke Harrington (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) (Section 2.2.1); Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati (Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, India) (Box 2.6);
Chapter 3: Climate change impacts and their cascading effects: implications for losses and damages
Lead authors: Jochen Hinkel (Global Climate Forum) (Box 3.2 and Section 3.4); Friederike Otto (Oxford University, now Grantham Institute, Imperial College London) and Luke Harrington (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) (Section 3.5); Timothy M. Lenton, Jesse F. Abrams, Paul D. L. Ritchie, Chris A. Boulton, Mark Williamson (Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter) (Sections 3.2.1 and 3.6);
Contributing author: Leigh Wolfrom (OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs) (Section 3.2.1);
Chapter 4: Policy, governance and institutions for reducing and managing losses and damages
Lead authors: Jochen Hinkel (Global Climate Forum) (Section 4.5); Rosalind Cornforth, Lindsay Todman, Ross Fairgreave, Heather Plumpton, Theodore Shepherd, Elena Tarnavsky, Celia Petty (Walker Institute, University of Reading) (Box 4.3);
Contributing author: James Acidri (Evidence for Development) (perspectives that informed the framing of the chapter);
Chapter 5: Finance and financial risks in the face of growing losses and damages
Lead authors: Leigh Wolfrom (OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs) (Section 5.3.3); Juan Casado-Asensio and Alberto Agnelli (OECD Development Co-operation Directorate) (Section 5.4).
The report also benefited from valuable strategic guidance provided by members of a High-Level Advisory Group established for the preparation of this report, as well as members of their teams. The High-Level Advisory Group was co-chaired by Mr. Masamichi Kono, OECD Deputy Secretary-General and Dr. Maria Flachsbarth, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Members of the High-Level Advisory Group are (in alphabetical order): Mr. Christoph Bals, Policy Director, Germanwatch and Vice-Chair of Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII); H.E. Mrs. Janine Coye Felson, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative for the Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations; Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW); Prof. Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD); Ms. Ekhosuehi Iyahen, Secretary-General, Insurance Development Forum (IDF); Ms. Maria Carolina Urmeneta Labarca, Head of Climate Change Divisions, Ministry of the Environment, Chile; Prof. Jürg Luterbacher, Director, Science and Innovation, and Chief Scientist, World Meteorological Organization (WMO); Mr. Ricardo Mena, Director, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reductions (UNDRR) in Geneva; Ambassador Seyni Nafo, High Representative for Climate Change to the Malian President and Coordinator of the African Adaptation Initiative; Prof. Mari Elka Pangestu, Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnerships, World Bank; Prof. Johan Rockström, Director, Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK); The Rt Hon Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications, Republic of Fiji; The Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan, United Kingdom International Champion on Adaptation and Resilience for the COP26 Presidency and Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade; Mr. German (Jerry) Velasquez, Director for Mitigation and Adaptation Division, Green Climate Fund (GCF).
The comments and suggestions from external reviewers are also gratefully acknowledged, including from: Annette Detken, InsuResilience Solutions Fund; Christian Otto, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK); Roger Pulwarty, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Debra Roberts, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and eThekwini Municipality in Durban; Theodore Shepherd, University of Reading; Erica Thompson, London School of Economics; and Koko Warner, Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The authors would also like to thank the speakers and participants of the three workshops that were organised to inform the preparation of the report:
Assessing the socio-economic losses and damages from climate change, 13 January, 2021;
Approaches to reduce and manage the risks of losses and damages, 15 April, 2021;
Methodological challenges in assessing the socio-economic losses and damages from climate change in India, 25 May, 2021, organised in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IITT) and the Indian National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM).
The authors are grateful for the oversight, review, information and comments provided by the Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) and its Working Party on Climate, Investment, and Development (WPCID) and the Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (ENVIRONET) of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
The project has benefitted from the overall guidance of Rodolfo Lacy, Director, and Ingrid Barnsley, Deputy Director of the Environment Directorate, OECD. The authors would also like to thank the following OECD colleagues for their insightful comments and review: Aimée Aguilar-Jaber, Marta Arbinolo, Juan Casado-Asensio, Mario Cervantes, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Kathleen Dominique, John Dulac, Jane Ellis, Catherine Gamper, Raphael Jachnik, Sirini Jeudy-Hugo, Takayoshi Kato, Fatos Koc, Eliza Lanzi, Xavier Leflaive, Catriona Marshall, Mireille Martini, Mariana Mirabile, Michael Mullan, Shashwati Shankar Padmanabhan, Robert Patalano, Edward Perry, Mikaela Rambali, Delia Sanchez-Trancon, Jens Sedemund, Leigh Wolfrom, Robert Youngman.
The report was prepared for publication with support from Nassera Belkhiter, Dominique Haleva and Ines Reale from the OECD Environment Directorate, with editorial support provided by Mark Foss.
Financial support from and collaboration with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and input provided by various programmes of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in particular from Marting Kipping, Christoph von Stechow, Manuel Friedlein, Nicola Hanke, Joana Helms, Lea Sarah Kulick, Daniel Stadtmüller and Britta Horstmann is gratefully acknowledged.