This competition assessment review was carried out by the OECD, in co‑operation with the Brazilian Competition Authority (CADE), to identify rules and regulations that may hinder the competitive and efficient functioning of markets in Brazil in the civil-aviation and ports sectors.
This review analyses regulatory barriers to competition in these two sectors, which are essential for the transport of goods and people, both in the domestic and international markets. The civil-aviation sector plays a fundamental role in the economic development and in the national integration of a large country as Brazil. Similar to the ports sector, it plays a fundamental role in Brazil’s foreign trade, as water transportation is responsible for the flow of most Brazilian exports and imports.
This report submits 368 recommendations that can mitigate harm to competition. The OECD has also evaluated the impact that the implementation of specific recommendations would have on the economy and a conservative estimate finds that the savings would be between BRL 700 million to BRL 1 billion a year for the Brazilian economy.