Chile significantly raised its climate ambition with the enactment of the Framework Law on Climate Change (FLCC) in 2022. The law sets a binding national target to reach net zero by 2050. However, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions rose significantly in 2010-19 and are not projected to peak before 2025. Ambitious actions to reduce GHG emissions are required. These include clarifying sectoral and regional plans, pursuing the plan to close all coal-fired plants by 2040 and boosting renewable energy generation. The transport and building sectors need more stringent climate targets to spur further investments in sustainable public transportation as well as electrification of vehicles and building heating systems.
Chile is highly exposed and vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The country has made great strides in developing localised climate risk mapping and analysing socio-economic vulnerability. However, lack of financial resources and capacity impedes progress on climate adaptation. The successful implementation of adaptation measures requires strengthening co-ordination across administrative levels and building capacity.