The Education for Inclusive Societies project seeks to help governments and relevant stakeholders achieve more equitable and inclusive education systems as a pillar to create more inclusive societies. This project is a follow-up to and draws on the findings of the previous Strength through Diversity project (2017‑2022), which examined how best to support the success of learners from diverse backgrounds as well as relevant knowledge from across the OECD. The main findings of the Strength through Diversity project can be found in two synthesis reports (OECD, 2019[1]; OECD, 2023[2]).
The Education for Inclusive Societies project is designed to respond to the increasing diversity that characterises education systems and the growing interest in designing and implementing inclusive educational policies at national and international levels. The two overarching policy questions for the project are: (1) How can education systems effectively support the learning and well-being needs of all learners throughout life, especially the most vulnerable? and (2) How can equity in education foster the development of more inclusive societies?
The project focuses on six dimensions of diversity: migration-induced diversity; ethnic groups, national minorities and Indigenous peoples; special education needs; gender; gender identity and sexual orientation; and giftedness, as well as two overarching dimensions: socio-economic background and geographical location. It also analyses the intersections between the different dimensions of diversity (see Figure A.1).
The project differentiates between equity and inclusion in education, while recognising that those are intimately related concepts. Equitable education systems are those that ensure the achievement of educational potential is not the result of personal and social circumstances, including factors such as gender, ethnic origin, immigrant status, special education needs and giftedness. This assumes the role of education systems in achieving equity is to provide equality of opportunity so that individuals reach their educational potential. Inclusive education, while closely linked to equity, aims to strengthen the capacity of school systems to reach out to all students by responding to the diversity of their needs and ultimately guaranteeing self-worth and a sense of belonging. It means that education systems must be able to implement mechanisms that foster a proper environment for the well-being of these students, an environment that allows them to express their full potential. It should make them feel safe, achieve the best performance possible and, when applicable, feel in accordance with their own cultural values and representations while being enrolled in mainstream schools. It is the role of policy makers and educators to address these challenges together, guaranteeing the educational achievement of all while strengthening intercultural understanding and social justice.
The project examines five key policy areas shaping equitable and inclusive education. The design of the overall, systemic framework for governing equity and inclusion (governance), the use of resources to support equity and inclusion effectively (resourcing), the ability to build capacity for all stakeholders to support equity and inclusion (capacity building), the provision of effective interventions by educational institutions to support equity and inclusion (educational interventions), and the monitoring and evaluation of processes and outcomes to support equity and inclusion in and through education (monitoring and evaluation).
Moreover, the project considers how the key policy areas influence individual and societal outcomes (socio-political, economic and well-being) and, in combination with other policy areas (e.g. health, social and welfare), influence the development of inclusive societies. An inclusive society is one where all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, identities or circumstances, are treated fairly and have equal access to opportunities, resources and rights. It values diversity, promotes respect, and fosters a sense of belonging and participation among all members. In an inclusive society, discrimination, prejudice and exclusion are actively addressed and overcome to ensure that everyone can fully contribute to and benefit from social, economic and political life.