On 14 December 2017, the Council adopted the OECD Recommendation on Open Government [OECD/LEGAL/0438], responding to a growing call from OECD Members to acknowledge and foster the role of open government as a catalyst for good governance, democracy, public trust and inclusive growth. To date, the Recommendation remains the only international legal instrument in the field of open government. As of today, all OECD Members, as well as Argentina, Brazil, Morocco, Romania and Tunisia, are Adherents to the Recommendation.
The Recommendation provides Adherents with a comprehensive overview of the main tenets of the governance of open government strategies and initiatives to improve their implementation and impact on citizens’ lives. The Recommendation includes ten provisions in the areas on the enabling environment for open government (including, for example, the policy and legal framework), the implementation framework for open government and the way ahead.
The main objectives of open government – to guarantee better implementation of the rule of law and fundamental civic freedoms, increase the reliability of government decision-making and breathe new life into the policy-making process, with citizens at the helm – remain a high priority for OECD Members and their citizens. The results of the inaugural OECD Survey on the Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions (the Trust Survey) show that citizens want public administrations that are more transparent, accountable and responsive, and which actively engage with stakeholders as partners to reach agreed-upon objectives (OECD, 2022[1]). Citizens expect public policies and services to address their needs and demands, and to take their inputs into account at every stage of public decision-making (OECD, 2022[1]). Recognising the need to deepen and protect the democratic model of governance, the PGC launched the OECD Reinforcing Democracy Initiative (RDI) in 2021. In the Declaration on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy [OECD/LEGAL/0484], Ministers from OECD Members and four OECD accession candidate countries therefore committed to “maintain[ing] open government as a core element of our democratic systems (…)” and welcomed the OECD Action Plan on Enhancing Representation, Participation and Openness in Public Life (OECD, 2022[2]).
When adopting the Recommendation, the Council instructed the PGC to “develop process and impact indicators against which to measure the implementation of this Recommendation” and to “monitor the implementation of this Recommendation, including through the use of the developed indicators, open government reviews and comparative studies, and report thereon to the Council no later than three years following its adoption and regularly thereafter”. The Report responds to the Council’s instruction and provides an overview of the implementation of the Recommendation by Adherents. It also demonstrates the current relevance of open government approaches, policies and practices, in particular in the context of the RDI.