Determination: In Place But Needs Improvement
India’s domestic legislative framework is in place and contains many of the key aspects of the CRS and its Commentary requiring Reporting Financial Institutions to conduct the due diligence and reporting procedures but it needs improvement in relation to the scope of Reporting Financial Institutions required to report information (SR 1.1). More specifically, India provides for six categories of jurisdiction-specific Non-Reporting Financial Institutions that are not in line with the requirements.
SR 1.1 Jurisdictions should define the scope of Reporting Financial Institutions consistently with the CRS.
India has defined the scope of Reporting Financial Institutions in its domestic legislative framework in a manner that is largely consistent with the CRS and its Commentary. However, deficiencies have been identified. Most significantly, India has provided for four categories of jurisdiction-specific Non-Reporting Financial Institution that do not correspond to any of the categories of Non-Reporting Financial Institutions foreseen in the AEOI Standard. The definition of Reporting Financial Institutions, including the provision of Non-Reporting Financial Institutions, is material to the proper functioning of the AEOI Standard.
India should amend its domestic legislative framework to remove four categories from its jurisdiction-specific list of Non-Reporting Financial Institutions as they do not correspond to any of the categories of Non-Reporting Financial Institution foreseen in the AEOI Standard. The entries are: i) Financial Institutions with Low Value Accounts; ii) Local Banks; iii) Treaty Qualified Retirement Funds and iv) Financial Institutions with a local client base.
India should amend its domestic legislative framework to remove two further categories from its jurisdiction-specific list of Non-Reporting Financial Institutions as they are Non-Financial Entities and should therefore be treated as such under the AEOI Standard. The categories are: (i) the Gratuity Fund and (ii) the Non-Public Fund of the Armed Forces.
SR 1.2 Jurisdictions should define the scope of Financial Accounts and Reportable Accounts consistently with the CRS and incorporate the due diligence procedures to identify them.
India has defined the scope of the Financial Accounts that are required to be reported in its domestic legislative framework and incorporated the due diligence procedures that must be applied to identify them in accordance with the CRS and its Commentary.
No recommendations made.
SR 1.3 Jurisdictions should incorporate the reporting requirements contained in Section I of the CRS into their domestic legislative framework.
India has incorporated the reporting requirements in its domestic legislative framework in accordance with the CRS and its Commentary.
No recommendations made.
SR 1.4 Jurisdictions should have a legislative framework in place that allows for the enforcement of the requirements of the CRS in practice.
India has a legislative framework in place to enforce the requirements in accordance with the CRS and its Commentary.
No recommendations made.