The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been facing several important challenges, from humanitarian emergencies, political stalemates, fiscal deficits and high wage bills to specific governance challenges relating to ministries’ weakened capacities for planning or the absence of institutional mechanisms to aptly co-ordinate legislative and policy planning. These challenges have contributed to the Authority’s longstanding difficulty in providing adequate public services, in engaging people in the decision-making process and, as a result, in promoting their trust in public institutions. According to a recent survey administered by the Arab Barometer, only 33% of Palestinians reported trusting their public institutions (compared to 51% on average in OECD Member countries).
Rule of law is an important determinant of trust. No other policy area has a greater impact on trust given that rule of law is an essential prerequisite for ensuring the provision of public goods and services, economic development, maintaining peace and order, and the effective control of corruption.
This Review assesses the policy- and law-making processes in the PA, asserting that developing effective policies and legislation is vital to promoting rule of law, better economic and societal outcomes and hence public trust. A policy is a course of action designed to meet a goal or objective, respond to an issue or problem identified by the government as requiring action or reform. Legislation on the other hand are binding laws and regulations, which are typically created by the legislative (laws) and the executive (regulations) branch of government and which can be enforced by a court or government agency. Although separate tools, policies and legislation are interrelated and need to be used in tandem to achieve government objectives.
The Review provides actionable recommendations as well as concrete examples and guidance on how to implement them based on OECD standards and good practices as well as SIGMA standards. The forthcoming Good Practices Manual for Policy and Regulatory Planning will also support policy-makers in the PA in the implementation of this Review’s recommendations.