The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the outcome of a collaboration among the participating countries and economies, the OECD Secretariat, the European Commission and an international consortium led by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
The development of this volume was guided by Andreas Schleicher and Yuri Belfali and led by Karine Tremblay (TALIS Project Manager). Noémie Le Donné managed its production, with contributions from Pablo Fraser and Emily Groves. Chapter 1 was co-authored by Pablo Fraser, Aakriti Kalra, Noémie Le Donné and Karine Tremblay. Noémie Le Donné was the lead author of Chapters 2 and 4; Karine Tremblay the lead author of Chapter 3; and Pablo Fraser the lead author of Chapter 5. Additional drafting and input to these chapters was provided by Maxence Castielllo, Gabor Fülöp, Aakriti Kalra, Henri Pearson and Markus Schwabe. Statistical analyses and outputs were co-ordinated by Gabor Fülöp and Judit Pál, and prepared by Valentin Burban, Maxence Castiello, Gabor Fülöp, Hélène Guillou, Judit Pál and Markus Schwabe.
Emily Groves supported report preparation, production, project co-ordination and communications. Florence Bernard provided translation support and verification. Rose Bolognini, Cassandra Davis, Sophie Limoges and Henri Pearson provided support for report production and communications. Susan Copeland was the main editor of the volume, with contributions from Emily Groves and Henri Pearson. Fung Kwan Tam designed the publication. The authors wish to thank Francesco Avvisati, Miyako Ikeda, Steffen Knoll, Ann-Kristin Koop, Sabine Meinck, Alejandro Paniagua, Heather Price, Giannina Rech, Nóra Révai, Agnes Stancel-Piątak and Carine Viac, as well as members of the TALIS Governing Board and National Project Managers, who all provided valuable feedback and input at various stages of the data and report production.
The development of the report was steered by the TALIS Governing Board, chaired by João Costa (Portugal).
The technical implementation of TALIS was contracted out to an international consortium of institutions and experts co-directed by Ralph Carstens (IEA) and Steffen Knoll (IEA) with support from Alena Becker, Viktoria Böhm, Agnes Stancel-Piątak, David Ebbs, Jean Dumais and John Ainley. Design and development of the questionnaires were led by a Questionnaire Expert Group, and an independent Technical Advisory Group provided guidance on the technical aspects of the survey.
Annex D of this volume lists the members of various TALIS bodies, as well as the experts who have contributed to TALIS in general.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution to TALIS of the late Fons van de Vijver, who was Chair of the TechnicalAdvisory Group and an advisor to TALIS since the first cycle in 2008.